Monday, November 17, 2008

Rain at last

We've had dry weather for quite a while now, plus a lot of strong wind which is very drying also. This morning however the rain came, which is good news as the soil was getting pretty dry up in the vege garden and I was getting a bit concerned, especially as I haven't yet finished mulching all the beds with sawdust. Seems that when I have both the time and the energy, the wind decides to get stronger, so filling the barrow with sawdust becomes too much of a battle!
Anyway, this should do the veges and strawberries a bit of good.


  1. Hi Bridget. Love what you've been doing the last few days. We need more rain. It's been too dry. My pasture growth has been too slow and my poor tomatoes have been suffering from the wind and the chickens!!!!

    Take care

  2. Hi Liz
    Yes, and our water tank isn't very full either and we're not even into the driest time yet. Wouldn't be so bad if the wind stopped for a while eh.
