Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sculpture in the park

I don't know the name of the artist who created this this fine looking piece. It is on display at a new park up in Whangarei. The Heritage Trail and Art Walk is at Hihiaua peninsula down in the town basin, alongside the Hatea river. I guess next time there might be a bit more information available, hope so anyway. I'll take some more photos of the other works too, a bit hard to capture them well with my camera (or is it just my photography skills - or lack of?!).

This sculpture was one of two standing close together, and standing tall too, around 5m high at a guess.

The Maori name Hihiaua apparently means 'fishbait'.

There was a lot of Maori history to read and take in, I definitely need to go back to spend longer there.


  1. What a strange looking sculpture. Looks like it towers over you.
    Great to be able to catch up on my favourite blogs again. Maa

  2. Hi Maa
    Nice to hear from you.
    It looks to me like a person or spirit rising up from the water, but I could be wrong on that interpretation! The previous time I was there the workmen were still finishing off the paths of the walkway so it is still very new. Would have been good to have a bit of info about the works on display though. I think they may all be themed around water due to the location of the park and history of the area. More to post on that later!
