Friday, December 9, 2011

And I pass the Liebster blog award on to...

These 5 blogs (in no particular order):

Mrs Mac over at The Thrifty Garden/Home

Providence Acres Farm

Shaheen over at A2K - Allotment 2 Kitchen

BLD in MT: Living a Simpler Life in This Interconnected World

Ruth at Deep Into the Darkness Peering

I'm not actually sure how many followers they have, but if you haven't already visited, check them out!


  1. Awww...Thanks, Bridget! I am so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for sharing your life with me.

  2. Bridget - Thank you so so much for mentioning and nominating my blog for a Liebster Award. I am truly humbled that you thought of me. In the past year, my followers seems to have shot up. Wished I had been nominated for this in the first year of blogging when I barely had any comments, let alone follwers. Anyway I have to point out that I am not eligible for this award. So as much as I appreciate it, truly - It may be good to nominate another fellow blogger. Heartfelt warm wishes, Shaheen

  3. Hi Shaheen,
    That's a shame re the award, but I'm glad for you that you have lots of followers on your blog!
    Bridget :-)

  4. Thanks so much for trhe award! I haven't had much time lately to get in here and do some reading, but hope to over the Christmas holidays !

  5. Yay thanks for the award! That's so kind of you. I will try to pass that on soon. Hope you're finding time to garden in this busy time of year - I need to get in and weed weed weed, but I think they know I'm not going to make it and I can hear them laughing from here!
    PS Love your homemade soap, that's also on my list of things to do one day!
