Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Warts and all

Well would you have it, I was just getting back into the swing of blogging again and ...darn it... the computer decided to break down.....all fixed now thank goodness, we miss it when it's not available as we're frequent users of the internet for finding out all sorts of information.

Anyhow, I took some photos around the farm, some are ugly areas that need attention. I've been inspired by veggiegobbler (this post) to show some of the less attractive bits of the property, which I have, until now, kept out of the photos! I do have some plans to make these areas more appealing however, and am working on them slowly.

Fortunately we have quite a lot of succulents in pots sitting around the place, and some other flowering plants that could be used to smarten things up somewhat. I will post some 'after' photos in due course (don't expect it to happen overnight though!).

Newly planted lavender hedge (variety 'Grosso'). They're tiny at the moment, but have flowered already and most have survived the heat and dry of the summer.

Top orchard, which has citrus, feijoas and guavas. Hebes in the foreground, which have formed a nice hedge (which you can't see in this photo).

Driveway with lemon geranium hedge (needs pruning!)

Succulents in pots are lined up the other side

I'm undecided about what to do to make this look a bit better, maybe I should I plant them? They need mulch or groundcover to set them off.

At the side of the entranceway. I've got some ideas for improving this area.
And here are some of the flowering trees and other plants:

Flowering Houheria/Lacebark hedge

Close up of the Lacebark flowers

Tiny little fruit on the Kumquat tree, they're about the size of a grape!

Hop cones - yay there's quite a few this year (their 2nd)!
White lillies coming up everywhere


I think this is Amaranth?

Passionfruit vine, getting lots now!
Back soon with a post about making ricotta cheese!


  1. The lemon geranium hedge must smell oh so wonderful when brushed against. Everything looks great .. the lavender hedge will give much reward.

  2. Your ugly bits aren't very ugly at all! Your lacebark is just gorgeous. We're getting lots of passionfruit at the moment too, and seeing as the kids can eat six in a sitting, that's a good thing!

  3. Hi Mrs Mac, yes it does smell lovely, especially after a bit of rain. I'm looking forward to a lot of lovely lavender in years to come (and maybe oil too).

    Hi Ms Lottie, thank you! Maybe it's just because I have it in my mind how I want things to be and just haven't got there yet.. So far my little lad isn't interested in the passionfruit, complains about the pips!!

  4. Even your so called ugly bits are inspiring.
