Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes........!

Yes it is that time of the year again. We have loads of big juicy tasty tomatoes ripening daily. The varieties I grew this season are beefsteak, the red one is 'Brandywine Pink' and the green is 'Aunt Ruby's German Green'.

And they can grow pretty big, especially the Brandywines. Here we have a few heavy weights, the first weighs in at 444gs:

This one a little heavier 474gs.

But this is the winner (so far), 603gs! A record.

I should also note here that these tomatoes have done well pretty much all by themselves, they were planted with a good amount of compost in the hole, I haven't fed them much other than a slosh of liquid manure and they have pretty much relied upon rain to keep them alive (thankfully we had a fair amount in January while I was away). So these are winners!

So what do with all those tomatoes you might ask? Well we've been eating them almost at every meal, and are not sick of them yet! Last night they were made into sauce to go with meatballs and spaghetti (zoodles for me).

I've cooked up a few batches just simply with onion, salt and pepper, then processed preserving jars full of cooked tomatoes in my Fowlers Vacola. I now have several lovely jars of ready to use tomatoes lined up on the shelf for when needed.

Apart from preserving the tomatoes, I have also frozen quite a lot of them. I just chop them into big chunks, freeze them on trays then when frozen bag them into Ziplock bags. That way I can just take out however much I want for any particular use (i.e. making a pasta sauce or pizza sauce, or adding to mince for bolognese sauce).

Here are the Aunt Ruby's German Green variety:

These are quite big tomatoes also. They are ripe when slightly yellow. They are not quite so disease resistant however, but still a very nice tomato, and the green colour is pretty. This biggy weighs in at 456gs:

Tomatoes in the garden, early January 2016

Note to self: always stake tomatoes well! The sheep netting affair I have here is not adequate to keep them staked properly and with the weight of all those heavy tomatoes they are now flopping all over the ground :-(

Aunt Ruby's German Green

The garden late January 2016
This was the first season in the new garden space. It is flat, and fenced from the wind. Next time round however I will do things a little differently, like not having pumpkins and melons trailing everywhere! More photos and blog posts to come soon on these.


  1. What a beautiful veg garden you have! I am sure you'll make it even better as you get more accustomed to the new space. We have grown brandywines in the past and they are quite something, large and wrinkled/grooved and beautiful. Since we hardly eat any fresh--we typically can it for sauces, soups, salsas, etc we've mostly settled on paste-type tomatoes. There is something superb about homecanned and garden tomatoes. Good work all around.

  2. I'm on the central coast Queensland Aus. our humidity is to high to grow tomatoes over summer but a mild enough winter to get a decent harvest. I put my seeds down last week and already have some Brandywines poking up. This will be the first year I've tried this variety. Hope I have half the success you have had.

  3. Hi Jane
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!
    I hope you do have success with the Brandywines. Interesting to hear that you grow them over winter :-)
    We are 'suffering' with high humidity and heat here in NZ at the moment, but I guess you would be used to that!
    Best wishes
