Well OK not Essex, but Maungaturoto!
G shot a rabbit yesterday and I've been wanting to try out Jamie Oliver's recipe since I saw it on his show Jamie At Home (Series 1). Couldn't find it on his website so here is how it's done:
Joints of a fresh rabbit (cut off any long bones)
Fresh rosemary
Olive oil
White wine
Parmesan cheese
Fresh thyme
In a large lidded pan place the rabbit pieces, a good slug of olive oil, a glass of white wine, a couple of sprigs of rosemary, and a whole garlic bulb sliced in half (I would remove as much of the skins as possible as you can eat the garlic deep fried with the rabbit). Put the lid on and simmer on a very low heat for about 1 1/2 hours or until the flesh just starts to pull away from the bone slightly. If the rabbit is big you may need to cook for longer.
When cooked, remove the rabbit and garlic from the pan. Dust in seasoned flour, then dip in beaten egg to coat, then press into a mix of fresh breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and thyme leaves. Make sure the rabbit is well coated.
Deep fry the coated rabbit pieces for about a minute or so until nicely golden brown. Also briefly deep fry a sprig for rosemary (about 20 secs). Drain on kitchen paper and serve with a squeeze of lemon juice.
This was the best rabbit dish we've ever eaten. A great recipe, will definitely try it again, hopefully with a smaller (younger) rabbit for more tender meat, although the one we had was fine.
We love rabbit; have them along with pigs and chickens at www.aplaceintheauvergne.blogspot.com
Actually, I come to you because you were recommended to me by Goings on at Mad Bush Farm in New Zealand and you can see a post about you at http://farmblogs.blogspot.com/2009/02/goings-on-at-mad-bush-farm_17.html
I'm very excited because Mad Bush Farm was the first Kiwi blog to be recommended to me, and now Liz has put me onto you so I am hoping to really find some more good Kiwi blogs.
Farm Blogs From Around the World is a place to to gather in one place the best farm blogs from around the world. Recommended farm blogs are asked to send a brief email (to info AT ianwalthew.com) about their farm/smallholding and their blog, and to include their own recommended farm blogs. I then make a posting. If it gets any more complicated that that, then....well, the idea is that it doesn't get much more complicated than that.
I would very much appreciate it if you could please consider:
a) sending me some text about your blog and activities (including acreage and crops/livestock/fibres etc. to help like minded souls find you.
b) writing to me with your (up to) Top 5 farm recommendations - not currently listed on my blog; particularly from countries not yet represented or under represented. I am particularly interested in blogs from the UK, New Zealand, South America, Asia and Africa at the moment. The proper name of the blog, the exact url, the location and one sentence on why you like it is perfect, but if pressed for time, just the links. U.S blogs are fine, but we have a lot and I am trying really hard to find good bloggers in different parts of the world, but if your list is all-American, no drama.
c) send me permission to use up to 5 photos from your site for a one off usage so that with your text I can make a posting about you;
d) add a link on your website, if that's possible, to www.farmblogs.blogspot.com; and if you can find a moment even make a posting about www.farmblogs.blogspot.com and how this blog is growing organically across the world from other farming bloggers. (Because you have been recommended in this way you are already on the blog roll for NZ.)
I know this is a drag but a lot of people are finding that my blog is driving traffic to them and are finding it a great source of quality blogs about farming/gardening/smallholding so I hope you can find a moment to drop me a line.
I very much hope to hear from you, and thanks for taking the time to read and respond to this. When you do I'll get you up and running as soon as possible.
With kind regards,
Hi Ian
Many thanks for your comment. I'm very flattered to have been recommended to you for your Farm Blogs from Around the World site and would love to appear on it. Will get onto collating the info you require.
Look forward to exploring the blog, it sounds very interesting.
Best wishes
We had another rabbit during the week and it was a lot smaller, also a female rather than male. The meat was so much more tender. I think we'll always try to get the smaller females for dinner from now on having made the comparison.
Dear Friend,
Thank you so kindly for posting the recipe for Jamie's Essex friend rabbit. I saw the episode in question just today (11/4/10) and was disappointed NOT to find the recipe when I looked on the web-site.
I wish you much joy and happiness in New Zealand. From all I see and read, it looks like Heaven on Earth!
First of all: thanks a lot for the recipe! :)
As you and a lot of others, I could't find it on internet, so it was very helpful for me, because I wanted to try this food - it means, I wanted to try rabbit first time. :)
I made some changes on it, I like thyme much better than rosemary, and at the end, I made little meatballs with the rabbit, the souce - was left from the meat - and egg and breadcrumb. I put them into breadcrumb-parmesan mixture and deep-fried it. Now I can say: I love rabbit. :) Thanks, one more.
Anita, from Hungary.
Publisher of Truth, sorry for the late reply I missed your comment somehow..Glad you found the recipe. Enjoy!
Hi Anita
Also glad you found the recipe on my blog. Did you have wild rabbit or farmed? I like the idea of the meatballs, thanks for sharing your take on the recipe.
Best wishes Bridget
I'm gonne make this recipie 31-12-2011
My question is witch i'm unable to find in Jamie his books or here is:
Whats happening with the bones after cooking the rabbit in a pan.
Do you remove them or not before putting them in flour?
Hi Erik
Hope the recipe works well for your New Year's Eve dinner!
The bones stay in the rabbit meat - you do not remove them! Before cooking, just saw off any large bones that are sticking out of the joints of rabbit (if you need to).
Best wishes
Hi! Can one make this dish with other meat? Like, for example, lamb? :)
Hi vilde rose
I've never tried another other meat for this recipe, you should try the lamb and see how it works.
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