It's feijoa season here in NZ.
In some countries it is known as 'Pineapple Guava'.
A bowl of fresh feijoas from the orchard |
This variety is aptly name 'Mammoth' |
Love them or hate them? I like them cooked but am not wild about them raw. However, yesterday D and I made some apple and feijoa juice using the Reinette du Canada apples from the orchard with a smaller amount of feijoa fruit. And the verdict? - delicious!
Making juice gets the thumbs up |
I also made this feijoa and coconut cake which is a lovely way to enjoy the fruit, using a
this great recipe. From browsing the net I see that some people have made this cake and successfully frozen it, so I think I should make a couple more to put in the freezer for later. By the way, this recipe does make a substantial sized cake!
Coconut and feijoa cake |
Looks good. Often, I find that fruit either I'm not crazy about or don't care to eat raw make great juices.
I have ONE feijoa ripening on my baby tree... I am very excited about it! Not quite enough to bake a cake with, but hopefully next year there will be more.
Mmmm, yum, I love raw feijoas! However, now I'm in Aus and folks here don't know what they are. They use them as hedging and just let the fruit fall and rot. So I scavenge it if I can! My own tree is not producing yet.
Hi Pilgrimscottage
I can see I will be making a lot more juice from now on!
Hi Ruth
Awww, just one! Won't be long before you have lots :-)
Hi Cat JB, what a shame they leave them to rot. Most of these big ones (Mammoth) came off our hedge too - we have it around our citrus orchard, but planted it to use the fruit!
Yum, love, love, love Feijoas.
First discovered them on a holiday in NZ about 16years ago and we have two plants in our orchard. They are still quite small but are producing a few for us to eat.
We eat them straight from the plant, don't get enough to cook with.
Like CatJB said some folks here are unaware you can eat them, boy are they missing out.
Love seeing the feijoas. I know they are big in NZ, but not so much here. At one of the schools I teach at there is a huge feijoa, but the fruit all goes to waste (except for the fruit that the Kiwi teacher takes home.) We have a bush here on the property but unfortunately they get mangled by fruit fly, especially because they ripen late in the season. I'd love to read about how you cook them, and a feijoa cake sound good too.
Is that young lad standing on a box?
Hi Claire
They're a nice treat as the season is so short, we look forward to them each year.
Hi Paola
I usually make them into a pie or crumble, sometimes with apple. Basically you can use them in place of apples in many apple recipes.
Hi Dr Mum
Yep he's standing on his little step! But growing taller every day :-)
I have a panful of cooked feijoas sitting on my stove as I type this. I was going to make it into jam but seeing your recipe suggestions I might just need to get a little more adventureous. :-)
We don't have the climate here to grow feijoas but I do enjoy buying them in the market in Madeira when I go on holidays there.
Hi Julze
Hope you found a nice recipe for those cooked feijoas.
Hi Matron
Are you speaking from experience? I did a web search and there was a bit of info on growing them there, might pay to check it out if you are keen. Would be interested to read what you find out if you do.
Gee guess I'd better do another post folks!! :-)
I adore feijoas, sadly we won't be getting a harvest anytime soon as ours aren't even knee high yet!
Hi Mrs Bok
Well hopefully you won't have to wait much longer. Our trees are also very small but we got a few bowlfuls from them this year, look forward to more next year and I have several good recipes in my collection now.
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