Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Feijoa scones

I was looking for a cake recipe and happened upon this one for scones. It's from a fabulous book called A New Zealand Country Harvest Cookbook by Gilian Painter.

The scones were delicious so I'll definitely be making them again, and probably soon since it is feijoa season.

2 cups flour
2 tsps baking powder
50g butter
about 1/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup chopped feijoas
1 egg
milk to mix

Sift flour and baking powder together and rub in chopped butter until breadcrumb-like. Add sugar and fruit, mix. Beat egg and add with enough milk to form a soft dough. Knead quickly and lightly on a floured surface. Roll out to about 2cm thick, cut into 5cm rounds and bake on greased baking tray for about 15mins. 210degs C.


Unknown said...

yes, I love the fejoa scones--and so do my neighbors who stopped in to try them.
I used cream instead of milk.

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Moira,
I made these again just the other day and they are lovely, good idea re using the cream will try it next time!