Finally I got enough ripe tomatoes and the time to make my tomato sauce! Similarly to Laura over at
Our Wee Farm I loosely based my recipe on a combination of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's recipe that I actually found at
The Paupered Chef and this
tomato sauce recipe that I had in my recipe collection. It's just fantastic to be able to harvest these great big juicy ripe Brandywine Pinks. They will definitely be featuring in the garden next year.
So we start off with 6kgs worth of tomatoes:
Ingredients at the ready |
Pressing the tomatoes and onion through the sieve
I found this process easier by whizzing it in the food processor first (post photo) |
The pressed/sieve juice with added vinegar, sugar
and spices goes back in the pan |
After much bubbling it's thick thicker! |
So 6kgs of fruit produced 11 1/2 300g bottles - several hours later..
But hey, it's delicious!
Sorry. don't mean to be a drag, but do you remember how many kilos of tomatoes made that many bottles? I didn't keep a track last year and I was hoping to be more prepared (and economical) and process a full batch of my fowlers bottles next time. I'm sure we planted a Brandywine this year (loved it last year) but can't seem to see it anywhere amongst the others.
Is it as thick as normal tomato sauce? Mine always comes out waaaay too runny :(
Hi Tanya
No problem!
It was a hefty 6kgs I started off with. Hope you find that BW tomato! What are fowlers bottles?
Hi Kiwinewt, it is runny not as thick as store-bought ketchup. But that's OK, the flavour is good! I guess I could have added cornflour to thicken..?
Hello Amanojaku
Thanks for stopping by. I had a look at your blog but is there a way to translate it into English?
Mmmmmm go us!
Bridget, mine is super thick, I just kept simmering it so it reduced down - end up getting less sauce obviously - I got 4 bottles out of...wait for it...10kg! Even though I thought it a little sweet Lloyd says its gorgeous!
Oh wow Laura 10kgs!
Hmm.. maybe I should tip it back in the pan and reboil until it's thick.
I spoke to a fellow preserver today and they suggested reheating the sauce and adding cornflour to thicken.
Suppose I should do this before I put them all away!
Just came home with a good haul of plums...I'm thinking jam!
Your brandywine tomatoes are are delight to look at. Wonderful. Homegrown tomatoes are the best! And what a great way to preserve them as tommy sauce. Thick or think who cares, its home-made :)
Thanks CTF, Wow I thought you guys would have Fowlers over there! They are an old preserving bottling company popular here in Oz. They do 1 pint rubber stopper bottles that I use for sauce.
Hi Mangocheeks
Yes indeed and it tastes great.
Hi again Tanya
I saw your post re. the nasturtium seeds and saw the Fowler jars you mentioned. We have Agee brand here, I guess they are very similar although I'm not sure about the rubber stoppers. The Agee jars have seals and you use a screw cap to hold them tight until they're sealed.
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