Thursday, June 2, 2011

BIG fish and a few garden notes

The one that didn't get away...!

Hubby caught his biggest fish ever, 18lbs (8kgs)!

We had lovely fresh snapper for dinner with homemade chips, and we now have some more delicious fish in the freezer.

It was nearly 2 1/2 ft (75cm)long!

Weighing in

75cm from tip to tail

The biggie compared with a normal sized catch
Other things that have been happening are, getting the garden planned - garlic going in soon. Have just harvested the last of the Topepo Rosso capsicums:

We had some BBQ'd tonight along with some pork chops and homemade kumara fries.

Other garden notes:

I still have some chillies on my Thai chilli plant, although they are taking a while to ripen.

I will be planting my garlic soon, have it in the fridge at present.

I also have some tulips in the fridge, must plant those in my flower garden - I am planting out a bank with all sorts of flowering plants, will take a photo once it's done.

Coriander is coming up everywhere!

Weeds are coming up everywhere too!

G has dug up more potatoes, Rua and the Maori potato Urenika.

We've eaten the last of the raspberries but I squirrelled some away in the freezer.

Broccoli and cauliflowers are growing well.

Carrots are coming along albeit slowly!


Matron said...

Chillis do take a while to ripen sometimes, don't they? They always do, even if you have to bring them indoors onto a windowsill when the frost comes.

Unknown said...

Snapper-my absolute favourite fish. What a beauty!
Your garden is looking good, as always.
How's your back? Maa

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Matron, yes they do but that's a good idea about bringing them inside.

Hi Maa, thanks for dropping by, sorry I haven't been to yours for a while.
My back is still giving me a lot of pain and stopping me from getting on with things. I've given up on the osteopath treatment after about 9 visits it is still the same really! However a friend told me about Bowen therapy (deep tissue massage) so I will give that a go instead! Thanks for asking.

Ruth @ Camellia Rose said...

I've still got chillies and capsicums out in my garden, I guess because of the mild autumn. They aren't ripening much now because of the shorter days so I'll finally pull them out. I have a freezer full of chopped chillies and all the ones I didn't get round to chopping are drying on the bench :) The fish looks great too!