I'm very flattered to receive this award, especially since I've not been the greatest at posting very regularly for a while!
As part of the conditions of accepting the reward I need to divulge 11 random facts about myself.
Here goes.
1. I once dug up a hand grenade in my parents back garden.
2. My hair has been all sorts of different colours including pink and purple from my punk days.
3. I closely avoided being attacked by monkeys in India.
4. I was nearly run off the road in Thailand while on a motorbike.
5. I do NOT enjoy white water rafting!
6. Before emigrating to NZ I seriously considered moving to Saudi Arabia.
7. If I came into some money I would consider starting up my own bakery or cake shop.
8. If I had more free time I would bake my own bread daily.
9. I really like all things steampunk.
10. I'm an ex-registered nurse.
11. I currently work as a caregiver at the local rest (nursing) home.
Kirsten has also asked me 11 questions which I will endeavour to answer below:
Why do you blog? Partly to keep a record of the goings on at Cabbage Tree Farm (CTF), partly to share my various culinary/gardening/crafting attempts.
What makes you happy? My son and husband, spending time with and sharing good food with friends and family, going for bush walks, pottering in the garden.
Marmite - love it or hate it (or don't know it)? Not a big fan, I prefer Vegemite but am dubious about what it's made from so don't buy it anymore.
What was your first pet? A yellow labrador.
Starter or dessert? Dessert!
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To be able to fly.
Red wine or white wine? White.
Running or cycling? Running..on occasion..
Are you left-handed or right-handed? Right
Would you describe yourself as an optimist or pessimist (and why)? Truthfully a little on the down side although I kid myself I'm not!
What is your favourite fruit?This is a hard one but raspberries are probably tops.
Now I have to nominate 11 blogs for the same award. To be honest I haven't had time to check out many blogs lately, but I will spend some time doing this ASAP and put them in a new post. When I do I will have 11 questions for them to answer. Can't promise it will be this week however, have a few other 'pots on the boil' so to speak!
A Bridget Bakery would be the best . . your biscuits are legendary in my memory.
Gee thanks Dr Mum! xx
Excellent answers! Thank you so much for taking part! It's a lovely way to find out a bit more, so thank you for joining in the fun! Kirsten x
Thanks Kirsten, I still haven't had time to search for more blogs though!
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