Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Time for tomatoes

Our tomato plants are producing lovely juicy tasty fruit right now. The 'Brandywine Pink' beefsteaks are doing well, although I had to net them this year - we have a resident blackbird that likes to eat them too! As a result I am picking them as soon as I think they're ready, rather than leave them the extra time on the plant. I would rather have them ripen up fully indoors than risk coming out to find big holes pecked in them the following day!

Here is a basket lot I picked yesterday:

Brandywine Pink tomatoes
The big one in the photo weighs in at a mega 592g (20.85oz)!

What to do with all these tomatoes? Well I shall be making pasta/pizza sauce, and some soup too.

I also grew some smaller 'standard' sized tomatoes 'Blood Butcher' which are doing fairly well. We use these mainly for salads, and I will be putting some in the dehydrator to dry them for 'sun-dried' tomatoes.

Bloody Butcher tomatoes


BLD in MT said...

Yuuuuummmy! Those look superb. That big one is sure remarkable!!

Matt and I were looking at the seeds we've saved or have left over from last year this morning and dreaming of garden season once again--soon enough. I eagerly await a fresh tomato!

We've still got sauce and sun-dried, but there is just something about a just-picked one.

Charlotte Scott said...

Yum! There is nothing like the taste of a sun warmed tomato - even if the sun is from being on the windowsill!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Yes indeed. Can't beat homegrown tomatoes fresh from garden to plate :-)

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

They are so tasty! The beefsteaks particularly. We are frying them up with almost every meal :-)

Aimz said...

major yum! I grew my own tomatoes a few years back. ended up drying them in the oven with herbs & spices to use in cooking.