Sunday, August 31, 2014

Farewell Winter

Today is (officially at least) the last day of Winter here in NZ. It has been appropriately wet and windy for the last few days, so I hope when Spring finally does arrive it will bring more sunny days and some slightly warmer temperatures. Mostly though, I look forward to those still days when I don't have to battle the wind to get anything done outdoors! We are quite exposed to the winds here being located on a peninsula in the Kaipara harbour.

With the advent of Spring comes a busy time ahead in the garden.

I have been busy sorting out seeds for the vege garden this season and will be sowing those very soon, starting with the tomatoes of course.

We have trays of seed potatoes laying around 'chitting' - they will be going in the ground soon. This year we are growing Jersey Bennes (early), Rua, Agria and (a new one for us) Purple Passion.

Have planted the new strawberry beds and dug up nearly all the raspberry canes. The raspberries were taking over the garden by sending up runners everywhere, so are going to be moved to a new spot where they can't be too much of a nuisance.

Harvesting peas and snow peas, broccoli, spring onions, cabbages and herbs.

Thinking I might put in some more asparagus as only have 2 surviving plants in the bed I planted a couple of years ago. The bed has been heavily mulched so I hope the plants will better handle the dry of the summer. I think it will be still too early to harvest any spears though, I think they are meant to be at least 3 years old.

In the kitchen we're eating yummy bottled peaches, figs, feijoas and apple sauce. I've preserved a whole lot of lemons (in salt) - will post on that soon. Also made these sour gummies with lemon and lime juice:

They are sweetened with honey - found them while looking for cane sugar free recipes - and the recipe can be found here. I thought they would make a nice treat, but neither D or G liked them very much! Maybe I'll try them with stevia instead of honey. Not going to give up that easily!


Ruth @ Camellia Rose said...

Yay for spring! It's interesting that you get less windy weather in spring - it's the opposite here, we get easterly winds that usually kick in in spring. They can be quite strong and annoying. A nice day in winter can be better than the average spring day... I still love spring more though!
I'm intrigued with the sour gummies recipe... what didn't your family like about them? Not sweet enough?

Aimz said...

your sweets look yummy - I'd eat them :-)

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Ruth
I didn't make myself very clear, we do get a lot of winds in Spring, but I look forward to the days when it's still (a rarity!).
Yes they found the gummies too "bland" without sugar!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Amy
Well they do look nice eh. The natural food colouring came out well. Shame no one really likes them!

Ockduspock said...

I know what you mean about spring being a busy time :) Busy here too! Enjoy your time in the garden and all your gorgeous produce as well!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Ock du Spock
Yes and I have been very slack at posting lately!
Hope all's well with you
