Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pic of kumara harvest

The kumara harvest weighed in at 13kgs. Not a huge haul, but we got quite a few large ones. Maybe the growing conditions weren't quite right, as the soil was very dry, even though it should be free draining for kumara, perhaps just a bit too dry. Or maybe we could have left them in the ground for a little longer. Not really sure. In any case, we've got enough to keep us going for a while here! Watch this space for upcoming kumara recipes!


A Green and Rosie Life said...

We call those sweet potatoes (patate douce in French) and they are really expensive to buy in France. I'm going to try and grow some next year.

Rosie x

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Rosie
I wonder why they are so expensive? Maybe not many growers?
Good luck with growing them. We didn't have to do much with them at all, apart from the initial watering for 3 days, then keeping weeds at bay.
Is it too late to put them in this summer?