Saturday, June 28, 2014

Still having technical problems

Sorry guys. I'm still having some problems with the technical stuff, now the card reader isn't working and I can't get the photos from my tablet onto the PC........and I tried and failed to post from the tablet. Very frustrating! Hoping that hubby can sort it today. I have a post about beeswax I want to share.

Meanwhile we've been having some rain of late. Thunderstorm last night, and a bit of hail to boot. Not that cold though as the winds have been mainly coming from the north (subtropical), although the storm last night blew in from the South West.

Hope to be back soon with that beeswax post...


angela said...

If you use the tablet and your on blogger there is a blogger ap once I downloaded the app posting was very easy. Now I only ever post using my iPad. Five that a go

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Thanks for that Angela, I will check out the app, will make life a lot easier!
Best wishes Bridget

Charlotte Scott said...

I don't find the blogger ap on my iPad that easy to use. Maybe Angela could give us some lessons!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hmm. Well one thing I did notice was I couldn't find out how to put the photos in and then add text underneath. So all the photos up uploaded are bunched together in my latest post. Did I miss something?