While the weather is just perfect for all those gardening jobs, G has had to divert his attention to other higher priority tasks that equally require good weather. At present he's building some shelves so we can re-arrange our gear in storage.
I will take over planting duty for the remainder of the strawberries... yes, we are still working with them! Also have a few trees to stake that have taken a tumble with high winds and wet ground. It also won't be long before it'll be time to get seedlings going for the summer crops we want. All though there won't be a great variety this year (time constraints with the new baby arriving), we'll still want tomatoes, beans and salad ingredients. Also have to put in some potatoes.
I did a little walkabout of the property today, got a few photos, as below.
The globe artichokes are doing well, very bushy, hopefully they'll produce well.
Calendula is coming up everywhere in the vege garden.
The orchard is looking nice with all the mustard in flower.
The cabbage trees by the chicken area/pond where it is boggy are doing really well, getting quite tall now. Maybe they'll flower this year.
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