Friday, January 8, 2010

Off home today

Well we are heading off home today, stopping en route in Hong Kong. Looking forward to getting away to some warmer climes, although it has been very pretty with all the snow.
Will post some photos of our trip when we get back.
Oh and Happy New Year!


Matron said...

What a brilliant idea! going to another hemisphere to avoid the snow!

Laura @ Our Wee Farm said...

Thought I'd reply here as you'll probably see it more quickly!
We have a gigantic run. It's a huge T shape. The Top T part is about 50m x 5m and the downstroke of the T is about 30m x 5m. It's got trees in it and grassy bits and earthy bits.
The chickens roost in one of the trees all year unless the weather is terrible then I make them go into their house. The chicken house is about 2.5m x 2.5 m and has the nesting boxes in it too and they do all lay their eggs there. I have another smaller house for the ducks - just to sleep in, but at the moment they seem to prefer nesting in the long grass/hay (!) bit. I don't know if they will always do this, but I have read that this is what ducks like to do. I have put straw into the house for them in case though and in the winter I think I'll put their evening food there and make them go in in case they get cold.

I would really love to let them all totally free range, but unfortunately one of our three dogs likes them a little bit too much. But at least with the space they have its almost like free range, but safe! So far so good with the ducks and chickens together. The only thing at the moment is that the ducks are on meat bird growing feed which the chickens seem to think is the most lovely food in the world, so I'm having to make sure the ducks eat enough. Once they're 16 weeks old they can go onto the same food as the chooks so that'll be easier.
I would say go for ducks - I haven't had such a laugh in ages, they're hysterical!

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Yes indeed Matron!

Thanks Darroch Cottage