Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yay we're home!

Actually have been since last Monday, but have just been too busy, tired or lazy to do any blogging! I have quite a few pics taken on our travels, I will post a few good ones asap.

The paddocks are very dry, there was next to no rain here for the duration of our holiday and it was very hot and sunny, and no doubt a bit windy too. This is the view from our place looking across to the neighbouring hills.

We lost a few pot plants as a result (sadly this included my lovely bay tree), and the Brandywine Pink tomato plants and eggplants shrivelled up in the garden. We did manage to get a few fruit off the tomatoes even though the plants had died off, not many but at least we got a little taste. I still have some small Roma tomato plants which might do OK if they get enough watering and feeding. There were no strawberries when we got back but since then it has rained and they've been watered and now we have fruit appearing again, hooray! We did freeze a few bagfuls prior to our trip, so have enjoyed strawberry coulis on home made ice cream for a treat. Also enjoying some nice new potatoes (Cliff Kidney) out of the garden. All the other spud plants are doing well. The sunflowers have also done well and there are quite a few big heads nearly ready to harvest for seeds, as well as some smaller ones still in flower.


Matron said...

That always seems to happen when you go away on a holiday. Something always suffers and dies when you're not there to give them TLC.

Charlotte Scott said...

So how are you going to get the sunflower seeds out of their little husks? I've thought about growing them for chook food (and me!), and wondering if they would cope with the husks (like parrots) or if I'd have to hull them first.

Aimz said...

Welcome back, how does it feel coming from winter into humid summer?

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Yes Matron, I guess we are quite lucky that we still have lots of nice potatoes coming along, and some marrows (maybe some zucchini now that I have cut those off?).

Ms Lottie, I don't think I will hull them, the chooks eat them with shell on. They love them!

Hi Amy, thanks. It took us a few days to get used to the humidity and hot sun. Easy to get sunburnt!