Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tall white Japanese lily

Towering lily plant
Close up of the flowers
Just thought I'd post some photos of this self sown Japanese lily (also known as an Easter lily, but since it comes from Japan why not call it a Japanese lily?). Yes that's right, self sown. I left it to grow since it was in an unused planter (which used to hold my frangipani before I split it into 2). It is really tall as you can guess from the photo with our water tank behind, almost 2m in the pot. While the lillies have no scent, they do look lovely. And they self seed readily, requiring almost no care - an ideal plant for me!


KirstenInWales said...

What lovely photos - I wish we had plants like the Easter lily self-sowing here in Wales/UK! Your blog is fabulous! I hope you don't mind but I have nominated you for the Liebster Award - it's just a fun way of recommending blogs to others and there is no obligation to take part, so no one will be offended if you don't :-) The details are on my blog (on today's 2nd post), so maybe you'll have time to stop by and take part (as I said, don't worry if you can't/don't feel like it). Looking forward to reading more on your blog! Kirsten

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Hi Kirsten
Many thanks for your comment, I'm flattered you like my blog enough to warrant the award :-) I look forward to reading your blog.
All the best

KirstenInWales said...

Ah, I am glad you don't mind - it's not everyone's cup of tea but since I think your blog is lovely, I thought it would be fitting. Would you mind if I add you to my blog roll? Kirsten x

Cabbage Tree Farm said...

Of course :-)

BLD in MT said...

Pretty plants that require little care?! Totally perfect! And quite lovely, too.