Sunday, September 14, 2008

Additions to the orchard

G planted 4 more fruit trees in the orchard, peach "Wiggins", plum "Elephant Heart", apple "Braeburn" and a dwarf nectarine "Flavour Zee". I updated our map of the trees so we know which are which, most have labels but sometimes the wind blows them off and we'd then be left wondering what was what.
It will be great when we can finally get some of our own fresh fruit. We've got far too many trees for our household, but our plan is to sell some at the local markets. Anyway we've got a few years to wait before they are ready to fruit.
Our next step is to put in a herbal ley. We've had rather a lot of kikuyu grass (originally from S.Africa but a weed here, to some anyway) in this area, and had to resort to spraying with weedkiller to kill it off, just a small area left to do, then we can sow various seeds - we're trying mustard and lupin, also some sunflowers, and some grass seed. May sow more but we haven't decided yet. A herbal ley is good for the soil, keeps the weeds under control, is good for animals to graze on underneath when the trees are tall enough and also brings beneficial insects for pollination and pest control, so hopefully we can achieve this.

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